Are you having trouble trying to sync local files to a Nextcloud or Owncloud? I’m sure you’ve google’d and asked around the forum and tried the large file configuration all have mentioned in the docs. But, it’s still not working? Well, I’ve found an issue that maybe associated with that.
Have you tried tracking down the network path that the upload would take? I’ve discovered that my large files were not being uploaded because I ran everything under my VPN connection to the Private Internet Access. Yes, I’m one of those paranoid security people that actually use a VPN for my personal internet connections.
The breadcrumbs that led me to the VPN connection is through mentally taking the shoes of those that run public VPNs for possibly suspicious people. On proxies and tunnels it would be safe to assume they would put file size restriction on uploads through HTTP. FTP would be allowed obviously because that protocol was specifically designed for that type of function. HTTP… Not so much.
On the side, I hear the “Cyber Security” paranoids screaming “It’s not encrypted if there’s no VPN!” Well, if you stood up your own server you should arrange to have interface SSL/TLS protected. As an easy cheat, I just setup a sub-directory protected by HTTPS and used the OVERWRITE.CLI.URL and OVERWRITEPROTOCOL options in the Nextcloud config file.
Now comes the VPN usage whilst using Nextcloud. I still use it. The difference is that I changed the OpenVPN config file that I was using before. Click to take a look at my VPN config file. Note the lines with ROUTE to by-pass sending the traffic through the VPN connection and to use the regular provided Default Gateway.